Review: Ring Racers (WIP)

The Launch

This isn't part of the review of the game, just some thoughts about the launch, the reaction, and the first patch. It's more of an aside to the review, so feel free to skip straight to The Shape of It.

The Shape of It

Track Reviews

Mini-reviews of every race track in Ring Racers, with what're basically thumbs up/down ratings. Some are very mini. Two thumbs up doesn't mean a track's perfect.

These ratings/reviews are based on time trials, multiplayer, and occasional bot matches. They're for v2.3 tracks. Some of them refer back to older versions of these tracks in Sonic Kart (vanilla or modded). Finally, this is just the track reviews—I have a full review WIP that'll give a full perspective on the game that'll probably make my opinions on some of these tracks clearer.

Reviews and ratings may change in the future, who knows.

I've only used the “Zone” name ending where it makes sense to me (e.g. Metropolis Zone, Star Light Zone, not things like Motobug Motorway Zone or Ice Paradise Zone), particularly if they're classic Sonic game Zones.



Ring Cup

Sneaker Cup

Spring Cup

Barrier Cup

Invincible Cup

Emerald Cup

Extra Cup


Rocket Cup

Aqua Cup

Lightning Cup

Flame Cup

Super Cup

Egg Cup

Goggles Cup

Timer Cup

Grow Cup

Chao Cup

Wing Cup

Mega Cup

Phantom Cup

Flash Cup

Swap Cup

Shrink Cup

Bomb Cup

Power Cup

Genesis Cup

Skate Cup

Recycle Cup A

Recycle Cup B

Lost & Found


This is a review of Dr. Robotnik's Ring Racers(from here on Ring Racers) by Kart Krew Dev, but it's a work in progress. The only thing up right now is the track review section (I have most(?) of the rest of it written, I just need to edit and format it).

This book won't be linked in the Library index until it's actually finished. I just wanted to get the track reviews out first, since they can kinda stand alone.

About me

Here's a little about me re: this game:

I played Sonic Robo Blast 2 Kart (from here on Sonic Kart), the precursor to Ring Racers, for a few years before Ring Racers released. There were ups and downs there, but I did get almost every time trial gold medal (the highest in that game; there are no platinums), played decently well online, made over half a dozen character mods and some custom console commands and Lua scripts, and even meticulously set up my own custom server. In short, I liked the game and I was pretty good at it. It's also the first Doom hack I ever played (the only other one's Mega Man 8-Bit Deathmatch). In fact, I haven't even played the original Doom.

As for Ring Racers, I'm pretty good at that, too. I can hold my own in multiplayer and I've got a decent number of platinums in time trial (check my medals in the Track Reviews). None of this is to boast— it's to explain a little about where I'm coming from and, more importantly, head off the “git gud”/“skill issue”-type reactions a minority of this game's fanbase has to any criticism. I have the skill. I did get good. There are still major flaws with the game.