Scryptic font guide
Scryptic font guide


Here you can find the glyphs included in the font, along with their hexadecimal unicode values.







If the language of a piece of text is set to one of the following languages, additional rules will apply.

A document or text's language may be determined by the language of your operating system, the particular app or file, a text style, or the lang attribute applied to an HTML element.

The extra rules will be applied using the localisation OT feature, locl, so they may not work in apps with limited or no OT feature support.

Azerbaijani (AZE), Crimean Tatar (CRT), Kazakh (KAZ), Tatar (TAT), or Turkish (TRK)

In Azerbaijani, Crimean Tatar, Kazakh, Tatar, and Turkish, the lowercase i is replaced by i-dot:

Dutch (NLD)

In Dutch, a J following an I-acute is replaced by a J-acute (to produce an IJ-acute):

Catalan (CAT)

In Catalan, a centred period between two Ls is replaced by a punt volat:

Marshallese (MAH)

In Marshallese, the (currently) non-unicode M-cedilla, O-cedilla, and N-macron can be produced by typing the letter (upper- or lowercase) followed by the appropriate combining mark:

Note: These combined characters may not display correctly if the character spacing and/or kerning of the Scryptic text is set above the default values.

Tahitian (THT)

In Tahitian, the turned comma modifier is replaced by the Tahitian ʻeta:


OpenType features (OT features) allow you to tweak a font's appearance and behaviour. You can normally find them under typographic settings in word processor or layout apps, or control them with the font-variant-* properties (see the MDN page) or font-feature-settings property (see the MDN page) in CSS.

Most apps will allow you to activate most commonly-used features, but some may have restrictions on which combinations you can apply. Features may be combined or renamed in some apps (e.g. ligature settings in Microsoft Word).

You can apply font features using the controls in the Demo area.

Kerning (kern)

Scryptic has default kerning in exact units of pixels.

Historical forms (hist)

Switch on historical forms to replace any lowercase s before another lowercase s with the long s:

Note: This feature just changes how the original unicode letter looks; it doesn't swap it for the long s unicode characters

Combining marks (rlig)

Type an individual letter followed by a combining mark (e.g. the combining acute accent) to create a precomposed letter-diacritic character. For example, typing the letter A followed by the acute accent will replace both characters with the precomposed A-acute character. This effect uses the required ligatures (rlig) OT feature, so it can't be switch off.

Note: This replaces the original unicode characters with the precomposed unicode character.

Vertical ʻeta (cv01)

Switch on character variant 1 to replace the Tahitian ʻeta with the turned comma modifier (effectively, making the ʻeta vertical):

Minuscule numerals (sups/subs/sinf)

Switch on superscript, subscript, or scientific inferiors to replace the numerals 0 to 9 with smaller, repositioned alternatives:

Fractions (frac)

Switch on fractions to replace any combination of the numerals 1 to 9 and 0, followed by a slash, followed by any combination of the numerals 1 to 9 and 0 with diagonal fractions:

Lining figures (lnum)

Switch on lining figures to replace the numerals 1 to 9 and 0 with full-height versions resting on the text baseline:

Case-sensitive characters (case)

Switch on case-sensitive characters to replace certain numerals, punctuation, and symbols with alternates glyphs repositioned or adapted for use in all-capital text (this changes Scryptic's default, oldstyle figures to lining figures):


You can test the font in this textbox:



      Write your text here


      Scryptic is an italic handwriting pixel font! It does a lot with a little, with the goal of looking decently readable even at small font sizes without sacrificing the script style.

      Note: This font relies on kerning to tighten up gaps between specific pairs of characters, and may not look right in environments that don't support kerning.


      This font is available free at


      Scryptic is available under the SIL OFL-1.1. That means, among other things, you can freely use it in both personal and commercial projects without paying royalties, and can modify the font files as long as certain conditions are met.